Monday, 16 May 2011

Lucio S 2011

My favorite action game is Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and I like this game because is about killing and gangs. I also like it because you can still cars you can fix you car and bye guns. The game is really violence and I learned a lot of stuff from that game. I don't recommend this game to little kids because it says a lot of bad words and a lot of killing. That game is cool for me.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Lucio S 15 2011

I'm all most finish with my game I jest need to make charters in the scenes move. Are team name is The Mexican Cats the name of are game is Cat To The Rescue. It is about saving the polo bears in the ice and try not to pollute the air. My team mate and I complete all the scenes but we jest need to make them move. We still need to put in all the scenes in are wiki. I think we can finish by Friday and turn the game in. I will give my self a not so good grade but not a bad grade and it will be like a 75. I have learned a lot of thing and some of does things are how to make a game and how to make the frames move and a lot more things. I'm proud that that I'm making a game that is going to work and play it. I can improve next year by working more hard and do my work on time.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Lucio S 2011 14

I think that is good that they killed Osama because he would keep on killing a lot of more people. I like the game God of War and I like it because is about fighting and killing people. My bigest wish was to kill Osama beacuse he killed a lot of poeple.
You can read about Osama in the link under.