Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Epic Mickey
Mickey went on he=is scret door and he saw a magesion and he was finishing his project. I like the paint hi us. Mickey was drag of his bed.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Lucio Sanchez 13 2010

"Strange Days on Planet Earth"

Part 4
When the watter is worm less plaitans. Tide pools are moving with the watter. If the crabs die the preditors are going to decris. The dust is making the desises. The dust fly to us from thausands mile away. A desis is expreding by the dust is asthma.

Part 5

The Lake Guri on venensuela has alot of anomal that need help becouse they dont have houses. Before the flud Guri was a forest. If we kill prediters we can put them back. The astams stop regeareation in the 19s. Beabers are leaving in the rivers so the wolfs wont eat them. The coral reef are dieng because the prediters are eating the fishes.90% of the big fish are gone and it been hapening on the pass 50 years.Smalest fishes are coming back and the fisher mans are starting to fish biger fishes agin.

Part 6

The lapred frog is not the only animal in truble bye atrazine.The Belugas whales are bean contaminated bye bad cimicals. The cimical that are contaminating the whales is in the water. 90% of the fishes are conaminated and u never know wich one are you going to get. Mercury is geting in are water. Many of this polution run to are rivers.Mola mloa are the kind of fish how have the kemicles.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

"Strange Days on Planet Earth"

Part 1:
Plants animals species are bean effected by world pollution.
US air force had to come back home.
The elan's are getting bigger.
Part 2:
Fisher mans are sprering the wiwols.
In other pleases people are still struggling with elan's.
Erosion makes the wiwols Carry away.
Part 3:
The bids spread seeds of meconias and each plant produce over 3,000 seeds.
People are saving ther garden from wiwos.
When we walk in earht we take animal with us.
Carebos are losing their life's because they don't fine food.